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Our Journey Together Series


Inspire Others! Come share your story! We are not alone!


Next Offering is on Wednesday, December 9th & 23rd, 2020


This will be offered every other Wednesday! 

This is Free and open to anyone!


This will be a time to share with each other our life’s experiences, trials and joys. We can share our collective wisdom and open up the communication to offer support and ideas that may have assisted us in order that in some way it may assist another.

We all have questions, needs and at times are confronted with not knowing what is happening or how to access our own innate wisdom.

We are in a very powerful time of awakening, transformation and ascension! Let us support each other and stand in the Light to move through this Divine Shift together!

We are powerful beings of Light! Know this and join us every week to continue to awaken and transform ourselves into the beautiful Light that we are!

Come share your gifts, wisdom and Light!

You are on the path, you are exactly where you are meant to be!

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